Pepperdine University Irvine Graduate Campus
18111 Von Karman Ave.
Irvine, CA 92612
Monday, January 30, 2017, 6 – 8pm
A Career Week event:
This workshop requires no specific industry knowledge, draws upon the speaker's strategy consulting experience, and takes the audience through: Consulting roles and industry specialization – strategy, operations, HR, technology, health care etc.; Industry landscape – full service vs. boutique consulting; Recruiting and selection process; Resume writing tips for consultant and business analyst.
Contact Name: Jessica Cheng
Contact Email:
Type of Workshop/Training: Professional Development
18111 Von Karman Ave.
Irvine, CA 92612
Monday, January 30, 2017, 6 – 8pm
A Career Week event:
This workshop requires no specific industry knowledge, draws upon the speaker's strategy consulting experience, and takes the audience through: Consulting roles and industry specialization – strategy, operations, HR, technology, health care etc.; Industry landscape – full service vs. boutique consulting; Recruiting and selection process; Resume writing tips for consultant and business analyst.
Contact Name: Jessica Cheng
Contact Email:
Type of Workshop/Training: Professional Development