Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 12 – 1pm
University Strategic Plan: Alumni Focus Group
Zoom Meeting • Tuesday, July 14, 2020 • 12:00 - 1:00 PM PDT
As an alumnus, you are invited to participate in the Pepperdine 2030 strategic planning process.
The Strategic Planning Task Force is in the midst of collecting input from key Pepperdine stakeholders about the University's future. We have scheduled five focus groups for our global alumni community and hope that you will consider participating in one of the sessions.
We find ourselves at a significant moment in Pepperdine's story. Last fall, we shared in the inauguration of President Jim Gash as Pepperdine's 8th President as he called on the Pepperdine community to Ascend Together. In addition, the University is nearing the end of our current strategic plan, Pepperdine 2020: Boundless Horizons, which has guided us over the last decade, and we are developing our 2030 strategic plan. The strategic planning process affords us a wonderful opportunity to hear your hopes and dreams for Pepperdine as we envision the University's future together.
Space is limited and requires advance registration to participate in an alumni focus group session. Once you are registered, you will receive additional details.
Tim Perrin
Senior Vice President for Strategic Implementation
Other Focus Group Sessions Offered (please only register for one):
Wednesday, July 15
Tuesday, July 21
Wednesday, July 22
Thursday, July 23
Instructions: Please make sure your browser supports Zoom. Webinar details will be sent to you upon completing registration.
Support the Student Emergency Fund: You are invited to give a gift during the registration process which will go directly to your school's Student Emergency Fund. This fund ensures that our students receive the instruction and support they need during times of uncertainty.
Contact Name: Alumni Affairs
Contact Email: alumni@pepperdine.edu
More info: engage.pepperdine.edu…
Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 12 – 1pm
University Strategic Plan: Alumni Focus Group
Zoom Meeting • Tuesday, July 14, 2020 • 12:00 - 1:00 PM PDT
As an alumnus, you are invited to participate in the Pepperdine 2030 strategic planning process.
The Strategic Planning Task Force is in the midst of collecting input from key Pepperdine stakeholders about the University's future. We have scheduled five focus groups for our global alumni community and hope that you will consider participating in one of the sessions.
We find ourselves at a significant moment in Pepperdine's story. Last fall, we shared in the inauguration of President Jim Gash as Pepperdine's 8th President as he called on the Pepperdine community to Ascend Together. In addition, the University is nearing the end of our current strategic plan, Pepperdine 2020: Boundless Horizons, which has guided us over the last decade, and we are developing our 2030 strategic plan. The strategic planning process affords us a wonderful opportunity to hear your hopes and dreams for Pepperdine as we envision the University's future together.
Space is limited and requires advance registration to participate in an alumni focus group session. Once you are registered, you will receive additional details.
Tim Perrin
Senior Vice President for Strategic Implementation
Other Focus Group Sessions Offered (please only register for one):
Wednesday, July 15
Tuesday, July 21
Wednesday, July 22
Thursday, July 23
Instructions: Please make sure your browser supports Zoom. Webinar details will be sent to you upon completing registration.
Support the Student Emergency Fund: You are invited to give a gift during the registration process which will go directly to your school's Student Emergency Fund. This fund ensures that our students receive the instruction and support they need during times of uncertainty.
Contact Name: Alumni Affairs
Contact Email: alumni@pepperdine.edu
More info: engage.pepperdine.edu…